Tariff Classification

Learn to Classify Products for Imports & Exports and much more

Tariff Classification Course using HTSUS and Schedule B. Classification for import, export, FTA determination & clarification on Section 301 and Section 232. The classification & valuation of goods are major decisions! Critical information is not only for duty purposes but also to determine whether goods are subject to quotas, restraints, embargoes, or other restrictions. This tariff classification training is for importers and exporters. Tariff classification and valuation of goods must be done correctly for a successful international trade transaction. If you classify or value your products incorrectly, your shipment may not reach its destination, and/or you may be subjected to severe penalties. You will also learn how to determine whether goods are subject to quotas, restraints, embargoes, or other restrictions. This tariff classification training course will give you the tools you need to properly classify your imported and exported goods.

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